Know Your Severity Level in Under 30 Seconds

Step 1 of 9


At Integrative Medicine US, we know that neuropathy doesn’t care about its timing. It’s not necessary to keep delaying experiences and happiness because of overwhelming, blistering pain and debilitating symptoms when an impactful, all-natural solution exists. We invest in learning the latest minimally-invasive technologies to create lasting comfort by cleaning up dead nerve cells that cause reoccurring pain.


  • Pain in Your Hands, Feet, Arms, or Legs
  • Burning, Tingling, or Numbness
  • Electrical Sensations
  • Balance Problems
  • Feelings of Pins & Needles
  • Loss of Feeling
  • Weakness


  • We Get to the Root Cause of Your Symptoms
  • Non-invasive Treatments
  • No Prescribed Medications
  • No Side-effects
  • No Downtime
  • We Only Accept Patients We Can Help


Did You Know This About


It’s Common – You’re Not Alone

Neuropathy is common, partly because this term refers to so many conditions. About 2.4% of people globally have a form of peripheral neuropathy. Among people 45 and older, that percentage rises to between 5% and 7%.

Symptoms can be Motor, Sensory, or Autonomic

The most common symptoms are Numbness, Tingling, Electric pain, Sharp jabs, Balance issues, or Extreme sensitivity

Treatment is Fast & Non-Invasive

With our advanced technology, neuropathy can be treated with non-invasive procedures. We offer a customized protocol for each of our patients.

Dr. Jonathan M. Fields, DAOM, With Integrative Medicine US is a Choice You Can Trust

Today, treating neuropathy is more advanced and less invasive than ever, thanks to the advanced technology and protocols at Integrative Medicine US. These state-of-the-art methods are our focus…and the commitment behind our name.

Our doctors use non-invasive techniques. We are leaders in treatment for neuropathy, back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and other debilitating pain.

Why act now?


  • Too many patients are told that the way to deal with their neuropathy is to medicate. While this may help short term, the effects of waiting to resolve dead nerve cells results in permanent decay and pain often leading to amputation.
  • Many of our patients see a significant reduction in their pain symptoms.
  • Latest technology and treatment methods to resolve neuropathy at its source.
  • Treatments are typically covered by most insurance plans including
  • Medicare. You can verify your insurance coverage easily by reaching out to us.

Imagine the Look On Their Face!

Many of our patients who come in have already been told the narrative that there’s nothing they can do about their condition. You are not alone! When pain is no longer a part of your daily story,  you can experience

  • Better Mood
  • Regained Sensation
  • Deeper Sleep
  • Lasting Energy
  • Increased Motion

When It Comes to Quality of Treatment & Care, We Let Our Patients Do The Talking

Integrative Medicine Coral Springs Acupuncture

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