We brought another acupuncturist in Tamarac to our clinic and she’s fantastic! Let me introduce you to Tamarac acupuncturist, Dr. Lira Ciappesoni, AP, DOM. She was one of my classmates years ago while doing my masters program. We had much of the same training...
Miami Acupuncturist Dr Fields, teaches Chinese medicine, Qi Gong and Mindfulness Meditation at Trauma class for Mental Health Counselors at Barry University On May 30th of 2019, Dr Jonathan M. Fields AP, DOM was invited to Barry University in Miami Shores, FL to teach...
Parkland Acupuncturist, Dr Jonathan M Fields AP, DOM, was invited to teach Qi Gong and Tai Chi in Parkland at the 6th Bi-Annual Yogathon for Mental Health Awareness. The mission of the event is to spread mental health awareness and suicide prevention. Because Dr...
Coral Springs Acupuncturist from Integrative Medicine US are sponsoring the Coral Springs Chamber of Commerce with the Coconut Creek Regional Chamber in hosting their annual: Night of the Stars Grand Gala Coral Springs Acupuncturist, Dr. Jonathan M. Fields, is a proud...