Wynwood Acupuncture event at Sacred Space Miami with Coral Springs Acupuncturists Dr. Lauren Seiderman, Dr. Jonathan M. Fields teaching Qi Gong & Tai Chi, CBD presentation by Dr Michelle Weiner, CBD Samples by Shamaya Chah, Meditation, Sound Healing and...
The Integrative Medicine US Team are all highly trained professional Florida acupuncturists, massage therapists, herbalists, doctors, physical therapists, martial artists, yoga instructors and personal trainers. Our South Florida Acupuncturists employ the most Cutting...
Instructor Jonathan M. Fields, of Integrative Medicine Coral Springs was recently honored to be the 1st person in the USA inducted into the Jun Mo Wing Chun Kung Fu External Instructor Training Program. Wing Chun Kung Fu is a 300 year old style that was originally...
In the Summer of 2016, Integrative Medicine US arranged a 3 week Spiritual Qigong Retreat for seven students of Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine and one friend to visit the world famous Shaolin Temple in the Henan Province of China. The 1,500 year old UNESCO...